Friday, December 30, 2005

The Da Vinci Code - bad idea

I have already hated this movie since I heard Tom Hanks was playing the main role - and now this...
Although with Audrey Tautou in it I feel a dilemma arising ...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Agathas Letzter Wille


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Ein sehr unterhaltsames Spiel. Es muss nicht immer Catan sein. Man kann sich bei diesem Spiel gegenseitig abschlachten und dabei unschuldig spielen. Danke, Diana!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

fax of the day

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Two guys - One party

Jack invited for his 29th Birthday to his humble home in Westend. At the same time we said Goodbye to Raffa, who has recently left Frankfurt for some Potatoes. As the party only started at 9:30 Preeti and I had the pleasure of being invited to Maike & Eugenios for dinner & more. Cool place I must say...

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ps: yes, we played Catan after the party and Jasmina won ...

Friday, December 02, 2005

London Calling

L'Auberge Francais - Wiedersehen in London. Estelle and her mates from University met up for the weekend - and I was there to witness it. First we met Clara (who was present at Estelles party at her place - see October pics), Ronen, a colleague of hers, and later Julie, Chris, Michael, Stefano and some more people for breakfast next day (Yes, that is right, I have already forgotten the names). We also ran into an extremely happy - I am living the life I always dreamt of - Wolfram and his ex-FFM-flatmate, Graham - who enjoyed a nice sandwich in Woody's ... London is always a blast.

Plus our first time in an Apple Store = an amazing place. If only I knew how to transfer my Outlook Calendar to my Ipod Nano, I would be the happiest man alive (ok - den letzten Satz bitte vom Protokoll streichen ...)

If anybody is going to London, let me know - I will gladly join :-)

Ok - enough said, here is a group photo with some evil squirrels ...
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ps: Thank you Clara for the great hospitality!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Starterkabel - Tutorial

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Carlo had a little "problem" with his car so Eugenio came around with his beamer to help out. Read on if you are interested in how to use a "Starterkabel". Well, you never know ...


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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Schirn at night

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I can only repeat what I have written a while ago: This is one of the best exhibitions in the Schirn that I have ever seen. If you have not seen it yet, go go go!!! Plus the Schirn at Night ticket included a ticket to the best club in town: Cocoon. It is also the best place to take a nap underneath the DJ section ;-)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Estelle, we will miss you!!!

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Big turnout at Estelles goodbye dinner in Garibaldi - anschliessend Unity. What a great night that will be remembered... Estelle, we will miss you :-)

oops, almost forgot to include this photo of Yara dealing with the fact that EVERYBODY is watching her and singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY ... what a sight!
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sunday, November 06, 2005

pic of the day

I am totally against animal torture but this is just way too cool to miss :-)
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Coming to a cinema near you on Nov 17th. If you read this and happen to have a ticket for the royal premiere on Nov 6th - let me know ...
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In the meantime download the trailer (Quicktime 7 required) here (Right-Click and Save As ...)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


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btw i ordered my ipod nano today ...

Monday, October 03, 2005

so ... what's the craziest thing you've done lately?

Sunday, October 02, 2005

siedler alarm!!!

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The hopeless participants this time: Raffa, Paul, Eugenio, Meike and Ute. Did I mention I play this game to win? Oh, I did. Just in case you have not noticed ...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

little big brother

Another cool visit end of September - my little big brother came over for not one but two weekends in a row. Time to check out the city from an architects view. Too bad it was the shittiest weather ever ...
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Friday, September 30, 2005

an evening in the city

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Every last friday of the month there is a japanese night in the Cafe International. This time 2-Euro massages in the windows. As usual, the evening continued in the streets of Sachsenhausen. Unfortunately the pics cannot be posted here due to the number of drunks on them... We had a lots of fun this night.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Zeil animal

Es war einmal vor langer langer Zeit...
Die Zeil. Ein Ort, den ich für meine Wiener Freunde nur so beschreiben könnte: Nimm die Mariahilfer Strasse ohne den Autos, dafür den Samstag-Naschmarkt in der Mitte und 500.000 Leute. So und dann spaziere ich eines Abends mit meinem Bruderherz an der Zeil entlang und wir entdecken das hier:
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Das ist kein Scherz. Ich kann mich leider nicht an den Namen erinnern, es war Karl-Heinz oder so :-) Mal sehen, was als nächstes kommt. Der Marktschreier vielleicht? (Nein, der war schon im Sommer da ...)

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Eugenios Birthday BBQ

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Another BBQ party "im kleinen Rahmen" at Eugenios.
Only few pics this time. The Tigerpalast awaits Eugenio & Maike ...

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

bad eyes

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If you can’t read it, pull your eyes like the chinese. It works!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

diving Down Under

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My parents enjoying a dive Down Under. I thought I would share this with the world as it is such a nice photo.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fantasy Filmfest Frankfurt - part 4

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Casshern is a movie about life and death, war, heroism, greed, the right to live and so much more. Sometimes a bit long, but this combination of war movie, anime and fantasy will simply take your breath away. Check out the japanese trailer here.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Fantasy Filmfest Frankfurt - part 3

OK. I admit - Friday was a bit crazy. Two weird movies on one evening is a bit tough - but than again it is not every week that these kind of movies are shown in Frankfurt ;-)

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So first in the "I can see dead people" category a movie called THEY CAME BACK (LES REVENANTS) where all the dead people from the last 10 years simply return one day. A very slow movie with a bang at the end - quite interesting, no big surprises though. Makes you think ...

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Primer was supposed to be a movie that is much talked about in the US at the moment. Big hipe. The idea of the movie is pretty amazing actually (no spoilers here) but I lost track of the events somewhere in between. I guess I will have to watch it again to fully understand.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Fantasy Filmfest Frankfurt - part 2

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to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the japanese original Godzilla movies they made this Godzilla - final wars movie. A movie with all the past monsters fighting against Godzilla - even the hollywood version got a cameo appearance. It is brutally funny and full of stereotypes of stupid americans. I want the DVD - it would give a nice video background to a party :-)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Fantasy Filmfest Frankfurt - part 1

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The 19. Fantasy Filmfest opened today in Frankfurt with Sin City at 22:30 in Cinestar Metropolis. An amazing movie by Robert Rodriguez (Spy Kids, From Dusk Till Dawn, Desperado). Absolutely stunning shot in black and white with very little colours. Three short stories brought together to introduce us to the world of Sin City - a comic book by Frank Miller. An absolute must-see. Also the soundtrack is amazing. 4 Thumbs up from me!