Kegeln in Hochheim
Another chilly bowling evening (Kegeln) with (ex-) colleagues underneath the restaurant "New Seoul" in Hochheim.
started as a blog with pictures shot in and around frankfurt, now more or less a diary of my public life - a good place to outsource part of the chaos that is in my head as self-therapy
Another chilly bowling evening (Kegeln) with (ex-) colleagues underneath the restaurant "New Seoul" in Hochheim.
Posted by
Captain Catan
8:08 PM
try this! (cick on the red square and keep the mouse clicked - move the red box with the mouse without touching the black border or the blue boxes. Rumour says american pilots can do this for two minutes...
Posted by
Captain Catan
10:49 PM
Yvonne liebt Telenovelas und Liebesfilme. In ruhigen Minuten hält sie ihre Gedanken in einem Tagebuch fest. Sollte Yvonne nicht als Model durchstarten, möchte die 17-Jährige die Schule beenden und Architektur studieren. Unterstützt wird sie stets von ihren beiden großen Brüdern.
Die Brüder waren heute nicht dabei, aber die Weltbekannte Topmodel - Kandidatin saß heute früh im gleichen Zug wie ich nach Köln! Oooooh! Und da Promi-Sichtungen immer irgendwelche interessanten Kleinigkeiten beinhalten sollten:
Sie trug sehr hohe Stöckelschuche (Fans der Sendung wissen ja, dass sie recht klein ist ...), eine schwarze Hose, weißen Pulli und eine blaue Jacke. Sie hatte eine coole weiße Tasche dabei, trug keine Sonnenbrille, dafür ein Riesenkoffer in Orange. Sie saß gaaaanz vorne im ICE gleich hinter dem Fahrer und aß ein Brötchen zum Frühstück. Übrigens ist das mehr als ich heute hatte (soviel zum Thema Ess-Störung). Ah ja, und sie hat auch noch ihren Schal vergessen - ein netter Herr war aber so freundlich sie daran zu erinnern. Viel Glück noch, Yvonne!
Posted by
Captain Catan
7:00 AM
What wasn't supposed to happen two weeks earlier, came to be!!! I took the Urlaubsexpress to Bad Hofgastein Friday night to train for this years HP wintergames. It seems I got very lucky as snow conditions were amazing (180 cm in the valley, 230 cm on top) and the weather simply phenomenal. Also for the first time in my life I actually enjoyed the snowboarding part a lot even without all the people around. Normally I thought I only enjoyed this especially because of the people around.
On Sunday Gabor, Peter and Juli joined me for a great day of snowboarding. I have got to remember this train for next year in case I am still in Frankfurt... Here are all the pics.
Posted by
Captain Catan
3:12 PM
I normally go to work to Darmstadt by S-Bahn. However sometimes I also have great ideas and take my car. For instance on this day I decided out of the blue to drive to Darmstadt. No problem. At around 10-ish it began to snow in big flakes and it wouldn't stop!!! In the afternoon the radio news were full of the trafic jams on the highways (4 hours and more).
So I stayed late and drove home only after 8 o'clock. After an adventourous 1.5 hours on my way home I got into the mood of taking the first train out of frankfurt into the mountains of austria for a bit of snowboarding. Unfortunately all the trains were sold out. Well - OK, another weekend in frankfurt...
Posted by
Captain Catan
9:09 PM
Ciao belli!!
Tonight there will be a "friendly" football match between Italy and Germany...
yes, the big clash is happening! Spaghetti vs Krauts, Wine vs Beer, Ferrari vs Mercedes, Eugenio vs Maike (just joking, obviously...) !!!
what followed after another legendary invitation email from out italian friend was a small group of overworked tired people watching a very boring football match at buena vista.
Posted by
Captain Catan
8:53 PM