Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Drei – Zwei – Eins – Meins!

There is a god. Or at least some entity that makes sure I get lucky from time to time. It seems that I found a mountain bike on ebay for 32 Euros and it turned out to be a really nice one. It used to belong to a girl that left for the US and so does not need it any more – she only used it 4 times (according to the seller of the bike of course). Some minor parts of the breaks are a bit rusty but it doesn’t look like that would be a problem. The coolest thing is the gear shifts. They are circular and kind of built into the handle. So shifting is like on a motorbike. Really cool stuff.

Still to do:
- Put the seat into a higher position
- Get a proper pump for the wheels
- Check the rusty parts and eventually replace them
- Get some protection against the dirt being thrown up from the weels (optional but very useful if using the bike on wet or dirty streets

I am very much looking forward to using the bike in the city.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Simpsons: in 2-D

I watched the Simpsons movie in the Haydn cinema in Vienna. The movie was very funny, totally worth the ticket - I am a bit frustrated that it did not have some of the classic characters playig bigger parts - Skinner, Marge's sisters, Willie, Mrs. Krabappel, etc. So I can only hope what Maggie said is true ...

Having said that, I am for sure buying the DVD the day it comes out - hoping for a director's cut or similar. And here comes the poetic end of this post:

Spiderpig, spiderpig, does whatever a spiderpig does.
Can he swing - from a web?
No he can't, he's a pig!
Look Out, here comes the Spiderpig!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

er will doch nur spielen

There are situations where I become a bit sentimental - like when we go for a round with my ex-dog, Köpeck. Sniff ;-)

Saturday, July 28, 2007


we have said once, that once all of us finish our studies, we would go to Schloss Obermayerhofen for a wonderful dinner. And so we have finally managed to find a weekend that fit us all and had our fantastic dinner. Plus there was a wedding celebration including huge fireworks! Too bad that the weather was not the best - but the food was pretty amazing - the highlight being a piece of "Rind vom Angus" ...

From left to right: Frau Diplomingenieurin Jankovic, Herr Diplomingenieur Deri, Frau Magister Fabian & Frau Doktor Koch

Friday, July 27, 2007

it's a dark dark world we live in ...

According to this article we can save a lot of energy by having websites with dark background colours versus white ones. Therefore some company created a new google called:

Also Yahoo Photos is closing down and I have transferred all my albums to Flickr. It was pretty easy - as Yahoo bought Flickr a while ago, they offered an automatic transfer of my 92 albums from the last 3 years. Now I remember where my Flickr Logo comes from ...

I will be spending quite some time in the next weeks going through my albums and checking the access rights and the tags before you will be able to see all the content. Coming back to the story around Blackle I will be wasting a lot of energy doing that as Flickr is still a white-background website :-)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

fat people - out of here!!!

Now it's official. People with fat friends are fatter than others. Apparently you cannot blame this one on your family or your neighbours, not even on "society". No, it is your FRIENDS that make you fat. Fascinating ...

Click on the Meatloaf picture below for the article (no relevance of course - I just like this picture somehow)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Look out - here comes the spiderpig!

I am soooooooooo looking forward to watch my yellow-skinned idol and his family in their newest adventure in an air-conditioned cinema Monday evening in Vienna :-)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

TED - Ideas Worth Spreading

I stumbled across this website called TED. It is full of amazong little clips called "Inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers" - some of which are totally eye-opening. As there are more than a hundred clips, you cannot watch them all at once - today I watched this one on ageing. It is pretty cool - and worth waiting for the Q&A section in the end. Watch and Enjoy!!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

azul oscuro casi negro

Another spanish cinema night in the Malsehn cinema, which is only 5 minutes away from where I live. Last time I went to this cinema was to watch "walk on water" and before that "Transamerica" - both pretty weird. Good but weird. And so it wasn't a big surprise that azul oscuro casi negro was a bit weird also. A very good movie - funny, with a nice music - almost like a musical. A wonderful movie about family values, friendships, life, love and what's important in life.

Let's see if this motivates me to (a) go learn spanish and (b) go to this cinema more often. Vamos a ver ...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The End ...

I spent the day reading the new Harry Potter book. As I don't want to spoil it for anybody I am not going to talk about it - just so much, that J.K.Rowling is a genious. I am thankful for her for having written these 7 books - if only I knew who borrowed the first ones from me, I could ask for them back soon - there is some space left on my bookshelf right next to my precious Lord of The Rings books :-)