Monday, August 27, 2007


Thursday, August 23, 2007

geek cubicle humor

found this image on boingboing:

not related to this is this presentation. it's pretty cool (thanks, little bro!)
ps: if you like it, try it here ...

Monday, August 20, 2007


first watch this ...

end then watch her watching the same ...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Fin de Semana grande

I am sitting in the bus to bilbao after a wonderful weekend in san sebastian after being lucky enough to have chosen the best weekend of the summer to come here. The "semana grande" as they call this weekend is pretty cool. No wonder i couldn't find a place to stay! Millions of people, sunshine, a fireworks competition (15 minutes every night) pintxos, waves, free concerts, i don't know where to start and where to finish the list. I was a bit afraid i would find a different city once i came back but i am still in love with life around this place. Friday night we went out with the german mafia of the tandem school, yesterday it was the irish-aussie-bask group. Both nights were great, only yesterdays night got broken off by a bit of rain. Resume: was totally worth coming, meeting old friends and their new friends, boyfriends, etc. To finish with a quote from a great movie: i'll be back!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

On the beach

I am writing this on the zuriola beach :-) sorry - had to ...

Friday, August 17, 2007

Estoy en bilbao

Perfect flight - perfect landing. Hace frio un poco, pero es no importante... El museo de guggenheim esta a la derecha, san sebastian esta todo recto ... Hasta pronto!

Its business time :-)

Got my ticket. Vamos!

My first time …

I am at the airport on my way to san sebastian. At least i hope so! Checked in, almost got my ticket when they realised something was wrong. So they printed another ticket and i am on standby. To be continued …

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Having the worst headache of my life today. I don't understand why because there was nothing special about yesterday night, except the bottle of Newcastle I had in the Anglo. Maybe I should sleep more. Aaaaanyway - finally had an appointment at the hairdressers. Last time I tested someone new as my regular cutter Xiomy got pregnant and so she is not working there any more. I was not very happy but this time they got it right - so I rode my bike home smiling after running into a Catalan party in the city. The rest of the day was very well spent sleeping most of the time. Ah, yes - plus I booked tickets for a San Sebastian weekend and purchased some stuff from Amazon.

Friday, August 03, 2007

friday night - one night only

I used my bike for the first time properly. alba invited to "zur sonne" to celebrate her promotion. amazingly she actually managed to be there first - I came second and then Jack. Had a Schnitzel and it was good. But they kicked us out around 11 so we went to Sachsenhausen, where everybody knows your name (for some of us at least ...)

Proper night out, met all who we expected to meet and had fun.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

2raumwohnung - not for me

wanted to go to the 2raumwohnung concert in cocoon - but somehow i am working too much again and am very tired. so no concert for lazy me ... (i know - excuses over excuses)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

geeky news

remember the times in high-school when people asked you the time and you looked at your wrist where your watch should have been and answered something along skin hour, hair minutes or It's ... now!? Well now there is a watch you can buy where this is not bullshit any more!

Talking about geeky stuff, here is an interesting article on sex & intelligence. Plus a pretty cool wikipedia explanation of the Tourette Syndrome.

And the best at last - here is a cool geek talking about really cool stuff - with a very geeky laugh. I WANT THIS STUFF!!! Enjoy!