Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Jack delivers :-)

I just checked my email to see if the guy that sold me the beamer on ebay without the remote has sent it in the meantime and look what I found:

My heart was filled with joy as I opened it - and the biggest surprise came afterwards - besides the usual presentation thingie it actually comes with sound!!! I am so happy that it worked after that fiasco with the Bond invitation that I had to upload it to the Internetz as we call it in Austria. Thanks, Jack and Jasmina!!!

So, now I am off to Hungary to visit my grandmothers. See you later!!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Too good not to post ... (sorry)

Der neue Pfarrer war so nervös, dass er bei der ersten Messe fast nicht sprechen konnte.
So fragte er den Bischof nach Rat. Dieser sagte, dass er vor der Messe zwei Tröpfchen Tequila in sein Glas Wasser geben solle und wenn er dieses zu sich nehme, sei er nicht mehr nervös. Nachdem der Pfarrer das getan hatte, ging es ihm so gut, dass er sogar bei einem Sturm die ruhe nicht verloren hätte.
Als der Pfarrer später in die Sakristei zurückkehrte, fand er dort einen Zettel vom Bischof vor:

Geschätzter Pfarrer! Ich gebe ihnen einige Anmerkungen zu Ihrer ersten Messe und hoffe, dass sich diese Angelegenheiten in der nächsten Messe nicht wiederholen werden:

1. Es ist nicht nötig, Zitronen an den Kelchrand zu stecken.

2. Der Kasten neben dem Altar ist der Beichtstuhl und nicht das WC.

3. Die Gebote sind derer zehn und nicht "circa zwölf".

4. Die Anzahl der Apostel war zwölf und nicht "sieben oder so".

5. Jesus und die Apostel benennen wir nicht mit J.C. and the gang.

6. David besiegte Goliath mit einem Stein durch die Steinschleuder - er fixte ihn nicht zu Tode.

7. Wir benennen Judas nicht mit Hurensohn und der Papst ist nicht El Padrino.

8. Bin Laden hat nichts mit dem Tod von Jesus zu tun.

9. Das Weihwasser ist zum Segnen da und nicht um den Nacken zu erfrischen.

10. Weshalb Sie den Messwein in einem Zug leer getrunken, dann Salz geleckt und anschließend in eine Zitrone gebissen haben, ist mir auch unklar.

11. Niemals sollten Sie beten, indem Sie sich auf die Stufen vor dem Altar setzen und den Fuß auf die Bibel legen.

12. Die Hostie dient nicht als Aperitif zum Wein, sondern ist für die Gläubigen gedacht.

13. Bitte nehmen Sie den Satz: Brechet das Brot und verteilt es unter den Armen! nicht wörtlich. Es war nicht nötig, sich zu übergeben und die Schweinerei dann noch unter den Achselhöhlen zu verreiben.

14. Noah baute die Arche und besaß kein Offshore-Boat.

15. Abraham war auch nicht der Vater der Schlümpfe.

16. Die Aufforderung zum Tanz ist nicht schlecht, aber eine Polonaise durchs Kirchenschiff: Nein!!!!

17. Die Tussi mit den kleinen Möpsen war die Jungfrau Maria; stützen Sie sich nicht mehr auf die Statue auf, noch weniger müssen Sie sie umarmen und bitte auch nicht küssen.

18. Der Freak im Kirchenschiff ist übrigens Jesus; er hängt da auch nicht so rum, sondern ist ans Kreuz genagelt. Und seine letzten Worte waren nicht: "Mehr Nägel - I rutsch!"

19. Jener in der Ecke des Chores, welchen Sie als schwule Sau, ja sogar als Transvestit mit Rock benannten, das war übrigens ich.

20. Das nächste Mal geben Sie bitte einige Tröpfchen Tequila ins Wasser und nicht umgekehrt.

Herzlichst Ihr Bischof

The Day After Tomorrow

Dear blog,

I owe you an apology. Sorry for not posting for the last two weeks. The thing is, the last two weeks were simply too much and I did not have the motivation to do anything around posting. Not only did I fall into the famous year-end-work-trap by having to do so many tings in a short timeframe - a.k.a. "being overworked", but also on the private front something happened that made these last weeks simply too much.

My grandfather died two weeks ago. He has started to loose his memory a while ago and was in hospital for a while. Still it was unexpected and quite shocking. It brought up memories of my other grandfather when he died. At the time I was 18 and was preparing for a maths competition and my final exams at the same time. And so I couldn't go because of my exams.

So this was my first funeral. My brother and I flew in - we met in Frankfurt at the Airport after he took a flight from Amsterdam and we flew together to Vienna. My parents went to Budapest by car and we followed the next day.
The ceremony was sad but nice - pretty much what I imagined. It was a way of saying goodbye and at the same time having old friends around was very nice to see. Since then I have been thinking a lot about life and the things in my life and - as this is not a book or one of those hollywood movies - did not come to a conclusion :-)

Except that I need some time off to relax. And this is what I am doing this week. And I thought it would be nice to write a couple of lines and see what happens the next days.

c.u.later. / a.dopo

Monday, December 11, 2006

geeky comics

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

another step towards fame

another website picked up my photos from flickr on the paris fashion show. Check it out here:


Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I have decided to start up the huge marketing machinery and make use of the fact that X-mas is coming up. So I proudly present my own little Adventskalender. I mean if Playboy can do it, I can too... (don't even try to click the Playboy link at work ...)

So you will notice the little numbers at the top right - click on the day and you will get little surprises - cinema tickets, personal vouchers, never-before-seen-party-pics and more... Unfortunately I forgot to post it 5 days ago, so the voucher for the yacht, the dinner with Daniel Craig, the ride on the Ebbelwei express and the meet-and-greet with Paris Hilton are no longer valid. That is why I replaced them with some cool links to even cooler things on the net. Anyways - there are still many things to come so keep clicking!!! (hint: there is a real goodie behind number 5...)

Update 2006-12-25:
Here is the half-finished (why am I not surprised ...) result of this experiment - a.k.a. my ADVENTSKALENDER ARCHIVED

Monday, December 04, 2006

Fitness Center

So after the weekend I decided to do something for my physical condition so that I can go snowboarding instead of snowrolling later this season ...

I made it into the fitness center at 7:15 only - jumped on the machine at 7:30 and did the usual 1-hour crosstraining stuff. This means the Hügel programm for 60 minutes with 87 Kilos and Stufe 7. It was very difficult to find my rythm - watching VIVA charts helped (the SEX edition including Eric Pridz and more) to get moving - though I don't want to know how I looked "exercising". Anyway - after about 40 minutes of pain the situation changed abruptly. There was an old guy on "who wants to be a millionaire" and it was so funny I started to laugh out loud. And the whole fitness thing became fun!!! The endorphins kicked in and it was groovy baby!!!

Anyway - best thing came after the training!!! "A" is back! Now I know this is an insider joke, but those of you that asked me why I do not join the company fitness center, know what I mean. Just when I was leaving I saw him leaving the elevator and entering the fitness center. I have to watch out not to watch ...

BTW - the shops on the Zeil seem to be opened now until 10 in the evening. Cool for shopping...

BTW number 2: My blog about the S3 is getting zero attention at the moment - not surprising as there have been no marketing activities yet - though the data collected until now is pretty impressive. Out of 4 trains none were on time. More at http://s3-rmv.blogspot.com ...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

hell is a better place

Just woke. Up I mean. I am not too well to be honest. Too much party yesterday - too much Gadgets, James and Jane Bonds, Casino Royal, Roulette and Poker, shaken and stirred things.

So what do I do now to come back to normality? Check the blogs but it seems I am the first so nothing new just yet. So I type www.hell.org into my browser and Voilà:

It's good to see I am still normal considering other examples of our kind ...
I think these are photos of the Burning Man festival, but I am not sure.

Anyway let's compare this with www.heaven.org:

What a surprise - people as happy as a hyppo!!! I am also happy to report that john@heaven.org (no joke) is available for your enquiries.

By the way, hell wins over heaven on googlefight.

The internet is an evil place... I am leaving it now to go to a better place - there is a hint of sunshine outside - would be a pity to miss it ...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Bond, Jack Bond

More pictures later as soon as I get them. The film is on its way to headquarters for development. I hope Q does not mess them up like last time...

UPDATE: Finally got the pictures. Unfortunately some of the more raunchy ones have been lost in translation so here are the more or less normal ones. There are still enough Bonds and Girls so don't worry ... Just click on the picture below and enjoy!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Customers of the World - Unite!!!

I have decided to change the world. If a tree falls and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? I don't know but in my case the tree is the train, the falling part is the delay and the sounds is the blog. Capito?

I am glad we understand each other. So I decided to step into the footsteps of the Neistat Brothers and similar to their website - iPod's Dirty Secret I am hereby declaring war on the delays of the S3 in the Rhein-Main area. I am fed up, tired and angry with the ongoing delays of this train. I have started using it 5 years ago when I moved to Frankfurt and after a short pause of 2 years when I drove a car now started to taking it again. And still it is the same madness!

The only train that is delayed every morning is the S3. Why? Why? Why?

I don't know when I will start to paint the city with all kinds of colours using a cool banner like in the movie here - basically declaring this war situation, but if you know me, you know that I am basically a ticking time bomb. So as a way of cooling down I am starting to simply run a diary of this and so I am proud to present:

Die S3 ist schon wieder verspätet!

(nothing fancy, just a way of letting go ...)
ps: Did I mention I love the movie Falling Down - Well now I did ...

Thursday, November 30, 2006


So I read an article in a forum that there are new speed traps planned in Austria. Check out the photos and read this aticle:

And then read this article and you understand why forums are such an unreliable source of information ...

ps: In any case the pictures are pretty cool, I don't care if it is Austria or Switzerland ...

Monday, November 27, 2006

NEWSFLASH!!! Icerock wins photo contest

This just in - Icerock (my favourite photographer tourist guide in Iceland) was awarded the best photo in a national competition in Iceland with this photo. 10.800 photos were submitted and he won!! He was on TV a few days ago in a interview. Thanks, Jón for sending me the link ;-)

Glimp of time
Originally uploaded by icerock.

Check out the interview (in Icelandic of course) here (fast forward to 01:23:52).

Here is an article about it (also in Icelandic) and here are more fantastic photos shot by Icerock himself.

Keep clicking, Icerock!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

video of the day

I love youtube - you can find EVERYTHING ... even this:

Friday, November 24, 2006

Friday Night Monopoly Massacre

So we ended up at Albas to play Monopoly - thanks to Alessio it was the surfer's edition (later that evening I called it the shitty edition when the atmosphere was like that) and we basically killed each other over the game. Jack won - of course - and he will forever stay Monopoly champion because we will never play it again. Now go to the prison and study the rules of the game!!!

Blog of the day

go to creativecriminal.blogspot.com for more!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006


I was shocked that Kati didn't make it. I thought she was in for sure - but I am very happy with the result. So they kicked out all three that did not want to help the others a couple of shows ago (Leo, Romina and Kati). And the good girls won in the end which makes my romantic self very happy. Great show of laughs and tears and more tears - and of course there is already a website for the band with the name MONROSE - sorry Andrea, no big business in sight ...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Another Bastos Breakfast

I think I have mentioned it a couple of times but it does not matter. The best brunch in town. Also this time special guest Brad Pitt

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Promi - Alarm!!!

We celebrated Yaras Birthday a second time after the Friday night dinner - and this time properly. This means of course that I had to censor the photos so badly that you can only see aabout the tenth of them here.

BUUUUUT we have shot some exclusive pics of some celebs as we went to Goldfish and there was a VIP area and a fashion show of some magazine. Here is a picture of Romy from Unter Uns (RTL Daily Soap) - also Björn was seen mingling with the ladies in front of the garderobe (yeah, whatever).

Here is another pic of the people watching the show. Check out the look on the girls face on the left. I leave to your imagination what happened next ...

... you gessed right - nothing :-)

To quote another nice celeb blog, more pics after the jump.

BTW - Thanks, Ahoo for the great dinner!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Yara!!!

Sometimes I think I should be writing more and put less pictures on the blog. Then again there are pictures that simply tell a story I could never explain to people that weren't there. So here we go - this time only a couple of pics with a oneliner ... Even more pictures here.

These two pictures make me think Yara was at least as happy as last year ...

The boys:
And the girls:
And the other Birthday child proudly presenting her cover girl photo:

ps: happy Birthday Andrea also ... spent in Barcelona I hear!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Giulia!

We celebrated Giulias Birthday with an Italian Cineforum at her place - only a few italians showed up to get some seriously delicious food - Giulia proving that she can not only prepare a fantastic pasta with pesto but also a nice cold platter.

We watched an extremely cool movie called Profondo Rosso with an amazing soundtrack from a band called Goblin. And by watched I mean watched and slept through as I was extremely tired. But really - go watch this movie. It has some extremely cool images and soundtrack. Very originally the movie is called The hatchet murders so you can imagine what it is about... (Yes - people do die in this Dario Argento movie)

PS: if you are desperately looking for a present to surprise me - you could consider buying me the soundtrack of the movie: