Monday, December 04, 2006

Fitness Center

So after the weekend I decided to do something for my physical condition so that I can go snowboarding instead of snowrolling later this season ...

I made it into the fitness center at 7:15 only - jumped on the machine at 7:30 and did the usual 1-hour crosstraining stuff. This means the Hügel programm for 60 minutes with 87 Kilos and Stufe 7. It was very difficult to find my rythm - watching VIVA charts helped (the SEX edition including Eric Pridz and more) to get moving - though I don't want to know how I looked "exercising". Anyway - after about 40 minutes of pain the situation changed abruptly. There was an old guy on "who wants to be a millionaire" and it was so funny I started to laugh out loud. And the whole fitness thing became fun!!! The endorphins kicked in and it was groovy baby!!!

Anyway - best thing came after the training!!! "A" is back! Now I know this is an insider joke, but those of you that asked me why I do not join the company fitness center, know what I mean. Just when I was leaving I saw him leaving the elevator and entering the fitness center. I have to watch out not to watch ...

BTW - the shops on the Zeil seem to be opened now until 10 in the evening. Cool for shopping...

BTW number 2: My blog about the S3 is getting zero attention at the moment - not surprising as there have been no marketing activities yet - though the data collected until now is pretty impressive. Out of 4 trains none were on time. More at ...

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