Dude, Where's My Car?
In the morning the guys finally came and tricked me into selling the car for €100 instead of €150. And I knew this was a trick and still did it!!! What a loser I am. Well anyway, here is what happened. After talking to the guys on the phone and telling them everything about the car they were "surprised" that the car was red and there was no airbag. So they could only offer me €100. Obviously I was chicken to be hard on so I gave in. I am glad it worked out and I at least do not have any more problems with the car...
Here some of the things that never would have happened without buying the car:
- a week after buying the car driving to Düsseldorf with 160km/h
- driving around for almost 15 minutes with a flat tire around my place trying to find a parking lot
- calling ADAC a total of 3 times because the car would not start
- cruising in the city with windows down, sunglasses and a broken exhaust listening to Helens mega mix from her iPOD on the radio
- marrying Yara (OK, and also divorcing, though not in the car)
- making a 180 on the entry to the 66 from Schwalbach
- driving home from work for 4 hours in the snow chaos last year
- being stuck on the A5 to Darmstadt this year for 3 hours in blazing sun
- all those trips on the weekend to Wiesbaden, the Langener Waldsee and more...
- all those trips to IKEA
- driving home the day Ms. Bush visited us and sliding through a crossing on Miquelallee through a red light & being photographed by the fixed radar and never getting a fine
- all those fines for false parking that I could get out by writing a nice letter to the police
- all those drives from and to work with all the nice people around me (Yara, Simone, Preeti, Blanca, etc.) - once even Martina joined for a drive!
- having always a couple of camping chairs ready...
I will stop here before I get too melancholic if it is not too late ...
BTW - did I mention my other car was a Ferrari?
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