Tuesday, July 25, 2006

the final countdown

So finally they got me. As I have started going to work without my car, the police had more than enough time to check it out as it stood in front of my house all the time. So last Thursday they gave me a warning that my TÜV was not done in time and I should do it within 10 days. So this morning I made an appointment with Ricardo, a friend of Pino in Darmstadt, who does TÜV preparation and TÜV examination. I even cleaned the car yesterday - it never has been cleaner all its life! Actually the car used to be blue as I discovered when all the dirt came off (just joking ...)

And now Ricardo is telling me that it is not worth repairing the car as it will be too expensive. It is rusty all over - he suggested to me not to try the TÜV at all. So now it is thinking time - I mean it is not that I need the car, but still it is a nice to have - it gives you so much flexibility sometimes. Ooh - my little ferrari! More to follow ...

ps: this whole thing with the car reminded me of a link that I got the other day about a famous cliché ... check it out here!

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