Monday, August 14, 2006

Thank you for smoking

A really witty and at the same time very american (pun intended :-)) movie about freedom, job motivation and all the other stuff that you can think of when you think of anything that is not considered good by one part of society
The cast is simply amazing - starting with Aaron Eckhart (I also remember now, where I saw him before - he was the bad guy in paycheck!) There is William H. Macy in a typical loser role (according to IMDB he shot his scenes in an hour - I guess this makes his hourly rate look pretty good).
Then there is that boy from Birth - he has this calm freaking-out look on his face all the time (I hope for him, he will not end up like Zoolander with his single face expression). There is Adam "O.C." Brody playing an asshole version of himself; there is the guy with the coolest voice of all times from The Big Lebowski playing the Marlboro man; Katie "girlie-face" Holmes; and last but not least there is the legendary boss of the Daily Bugle from Spider Man playing the same role - he basically shouts throughout the whole movie.

Very funny - go and see it!!!

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