Monday, November 27, 2006

NEWSFLASH!!! Icerock wins photo contest

This just in - Icerock (my favourite photographer tourist guide in Iceland) was awarded the best photo in a national competition in Iceland with this photo. 10.800 photos were submitted and he won!! He was on TV a few days ago in a interview. Thanks, Jón for sending me the link ;-)

Glimp of time
Originally uploaded by icerock.

Check out the interview (in Icelandic of course) here (fast forward to 01:23:52).

Here is an article about it (also in Icelandic) and here are more fantastic photos shot by Icerock himself.

Keep clicking, Icerock!!!

1 comment:

Lg said...

Stein (Icerock) is a great photographer, friend and human being, that deserves this and a lot more! Im very proud to be his friend!