snow storm ...
After the magnificent food orgz and lurking around the airport for a couple of hours it was finallz time to pass securitz. And I was stupid enough to buz a bottle of water before entering. Now if zou have read this, you know why I mean stupid ...
Thez looked at me and asked me if I was serious. I mean a full bottle of water. No way! And I was seriously discussing with them that I just bought it and it was still sealed and so on. but yes, I had to either go outside and drink it or thez would have thrown it away (thez didn't let me drink it there!) - so I went outside, drank it, went to the toilet ;-) and finally passed the same security people. And yes, they remembered me so they checked my mobile phone for explosives also...
Anywaz we boarded the plane (BTW - sorry for the z-y thingie, I am using an icelandic keyboard and obviously the layout is different than what I am used to) at 17:30 and were on our way to Iceland!!! The plane was totally empty - I would say about every fourth seat was occupied. We got a slice of iceland to eat and a great movie called "little manhattan" to see. I remember watching this movie once on a plane, but I don't remember, when. I also slept a bit and we finally arrived at 21:30 CET, which is 20:30 Icytime. When I saw the snowy coast, I had a big smile on my face. Luggage pickup, cash mashine, big time snow storm outside.
The flybus picked us up and for 1100 ISK I was on my way to the hostel. After about an hour and a half we finally arrived at the hostel and I arranged the tour tomorrow - rumour says we will have the nicest weather so I will hopefully be able to shoot some nice pictures. Talking about the weather - due to the delay caused by the weather I cannot join the world famous pub crawl with the free drinks in every bar tonight - plus there is a snow storm outside so I am not gonna leave the building tonight any more ...
Before I go to bed, here are some interesting characters from the keyboard:
ð Ð æ Æ þ Þ å ë ä
good night!!!
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