Drei – Zwei – Eins – Meins!
There is a god. Or at least some entity that makes sure I get lucky from time to time. It seems that I found a mountain bike on ebay for 32 Euros and it turned out to be a really nice one. It used to belong to a girl that left for the US and so does not need it any more – she only used it 4 times (according to the seller of the bike of course). Some minor parts of the breaks are a bit rusty but it doesn’t look like that would be a problem. The coolest thing is the gear shifts. They are circular and kind of built into the handle. So shifting is like on a motorbike. Really cool stuff.
Still to do:
- Put the seat into a higher position
- Get a proper pump for the wheels
- Check the rusty parts and eventually replace them
- Get some protection against the dirt being thrown up from the weels (optional but very useful if using the bike on wet or dirty streets
I am very much looking forward to using the bike in the city.
we can lend u the pump :-)
thanks - will probably need it
yes, but now that I've bought one and also got back my 'old' one that I borrowed Paul in March 2006 you can even buy one of mine for a Freundschaftspreis!
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