Monday, October 08, 2007

the kingdom

Finally a cool movie at the sneak preview!!! And as nobody wanted to go with me, I went alone. The movie is one of the tensest movies I have seen in a long time. Is "tensest" even a word? I am not sure, but what I mean is similar to what happened to me when I watched Match Point and got completely angry. Only this time I stopped breathing for a while, put my fingers in my mouth and started chewing my nails off - which I never do! It kind of starts crazy - you hold your breath for a while then it slows down and then it speeds up. And even as the end of the story is very American / Hollywood style, the last sentence of the movie manages to make you think and summarise the f***ed up situation we are in at the moment.

I absolutely loved the opening credits - I found them on youtube so you can watch them here. Of course I don't know how much of this stuff is true but it is certainly well made.

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