Friday, January 18, 2008


looking at my blog, i have not written for a looong time. I have attempted to write a couple of times but there was always something else. First the stress of moving, the stress of changing jobs, then my first real project where I have spent a week in Helsinki without a single visit of the city, bla bla bla. Had a date, saw the family for X-mas, celebrated X-mas with my friends from Vienna, went snowboarding with my brother and his ex-gf (an exact of copy of him, at least mentally), slept a lot, partied a little. Then my grandma passed away the day I returned to Frankfurt. I went back for the funeral last weekend. It was my second funeral in my whole life that I attended and it pretty much hit me just as badly as the one before and I am really glad I was there. Funerals should remind people on the value of friends and family and what success really means in life - hope I am not too sentimental here ...

Having spent the last week on the road for work, I was very glad to come home and relax before the next wave comes. I love my life and this year is going to be great. I promised myself not to give empty promises any more.

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