Friday, August 15, 2008


I am in Vienna and actually should already be in bed because in less than 6 hours I have to catch a bus to catch a train to ...

Aaaanyways - I took a day off on this historical day. Exactly 7 years ago, on August 15th I moved to Germany. I had a drink in the evening with my friends, went home with Claudia at around 1 in the morning, packed a couple of things and took a plane in the morning to Frankfurt. The rest is history as they say. The plan was to stay 2-3 years and then move on. The first 3 years I was working during the week and traveling to Vienna mostly on the weekends, only after we split up and I started spending more time in Frankfurt have I started liking Frankfurt and meeting people. I changed company once, changed jobs five times, am currently living in my third flat in Frankfurt (not counting the hotel I stayed the first 3 weeks of course) and using my 5. camera to take many many pictures of my life. Only recently am I beginning to get bored with the city but am still reluctant to move and start over somewhere else. Still I am slowly accepting the feeling inside me that there is some kind of a change coming. The feeling reminds me of the matrix movie when Leo asks the oracle about his decision to save trinity - really he is not looking for a decision but for the reason why he has made that particular decision. Ok, I am either overworked or high on some drug they mixed in my tomato juice on the plane - as normally I am not writing about this kind of stuff ...

The plan for tomorrow is to go to Budapest in the morning, have lunch with my grandma, who I haven't seen since February, then meet with an old friend and take the evening train to the lake to see my parents. I will either come back with them on Sunday to Vienna or stay a bit longer and come back only Tuesday. We will see. Then there is a dentist appointment on Wednesday to clean my mouth with sand and then I fly back to Frankfurt in the evening.

So what else is happening these days? Nothing much - expect the Olympics in China. The opening ceremony was fantastic; the rest is pretty boring to be honest. I used to like watching the swimming but recently it has become very boring due to the stupid speedo full body suits everybody is wearing - I mean they all look the same now. It's like throwing robots in the water and letting them swim. Plus they are breaking each and every record! It's like the swimming pool is too short and nobody is noticing or something. (I wonder how they are measuring it is really 100m? hmmm). Maybe the athletics part will be more exciting. I wonder when that is gonna start.

The other stuff is pretty boring too - the Chinese are winning everything. Only a few exciting things happened as a Chinese rower missed his race because he overslept, a Hungarian weightlifter broke his elbow while lifting - obviously - too much weight. Oh, yes. And the little girl singing at the opening ceremony wasn't really singing - her sole task was to look good as the one with the nice voice was apparently too ugly to be on TV.

However I am glad that beach volleyball became an official sport at the Olympic Games. At least this way Mr. Bush got a perfect photo opportunity - and look what happened. I mean can you imagine any other politician in the same situation? I don't think so.

1 comment:

alba said...

pleeeeeease Gaborno, don't give our Berlusconi bad ideas! Otherwise he goes there and tries to put a bikini as well. I think I am going to puke...