Tuesday, August 18, 2009

my ipod nano is not broken - it just became a shuffle

I managed to drop my ipod after almost 4 years of incident-free operations. the screen is broken but it still plays my FIB-The-Killers-Playlist.

my ipod nano is not broken, it just became a shuffle

I don't like the new ipod nano design so I don't know what to do. Oh well, there are rumors of a new ipod nano with a camera. maybe the design will change too. It's time to wait ...

1 comment:

Erzählerin der Nacht said...

Hey Gabor,

danke für den Tipp, dass es bald nen neuen iPod nano geben wird - 5. Generation mit Kamera und Radio... und viel, viel billiger als mein alter :)